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Patch From Scratch

ModBias Weekly – Modular Newsletter

This is Alex from Modular Bias and I'm excited to announce our first newsletter ModBias Weekly – a weekly, no-frills update on everything modular synthesis.

Speed Round: 5 Second Interviews at Knobcon 2023

This video made us laugh way more than expected. Experience Knobcon in all its self-proclaimed synth nerd glory with 5 second soundbites from ~70 different manufacturers, performers, and one asleep person.

Let’s Dive Into Water with Jasmine & Olive Trees

The Water was hazy (see what we did there?) compared to Traffic's great video documentation. Now we get a similar, detailed exploration of J&OT's vector CV generator and how to it flows through patches.

Learn Time Signatures in Modular with Omri Cohen

It's nice inside the world of 4/4; you get steady rhythms and a natural foundation for electronic music. If you dare to venture outside those safe confines, there's a world of alternate grooves and interesting polyrhythms. Let's watch as Omri Cohen uses VCV Rack to approach the technique of patching different time signatures in modular.

Domi Fotaro – Dual Mantis Case Rundown

Building your modular synth is a very personal experience. You can get as tiny as having a solo DATA in a 3D printed enclosure w/ Befaco's ChikiPower. You can dominate a room with something like a Double 21U Artist Series Needham case. Or, you can seek out a well-considered middle ground. Let's check out Domi Fotaro's path down that third road.

Befaco Visit – FX Boy & More

Befaco has been seriously busy this summer, but somehow they let us sneak through the front door for a visit at their Barcelona HQ. Come with us on a tour of their facility and a deep dive on the nostalgia inducing multi-effects module: FX Boy.