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ModBias Newsletter – Electronic Hardware & Music

Making bleeps and bloops.

Thanks for signing up, see you on Thursdays!

Thanks for checking out the ModBias Newsletter – a weekly no-frills, electronic hardware and music newsletter that is modular-biased.

Music tech – whether you care about hardware, performing, or anything in between – is hard to keep on top of. This newsletter’s goal is to help distill all the hype into a focused update that lets you catch up on the modular synth and electronic hardware news you care about. Then, get back to making music.

So what does that mean?

  • hardware news
  • video highlights
  • creator spotlights
  • community & events

If that sounds good to you, sign up above and we’ll be patching into your inbox soon!

Modular Bias
Modular Bias
Modular Bias is a 100% ad-free music technology site. Instead of bombarding you with endless ads and affiliate links, we rely on the support of our community through the ModBias Patreon to keep this website sustainable. If you enjoy what we do, please consider supporting us for as little as $2/month. Thanks and keep patching!